Rapido Trains UK Railex in Maidstone

Relatively new UK model railway manufacturer Rapido Trains UK is to host an exhibition in Maidstone on Friday 27th and Saturday 28th September, 10:00 to 16:30. The venue will be The Market Hall, Lock Meadow, Maidstone, ME16 8LW. (This is near Maidstone West station.) In addition to showcasing some of the best layouts on the show circuit and numerous trade stands there will be the opportunity to meet the Rapido Trains UK team and view samples of new products. There will also be the facility to order wagons custom decorated to your requirements and Modelu will be doing Live 3D scanning there. Advance tickets – £5 – can be ordered via the exhibition’s website (kids are free when accompanied by a paying adult) and additional information can also be viewed there: rapidotrains.co.uk/rapido-railex . Tickets will also be available on the door. Rapido Trains UK are firmly based in Southern railway territory and have already produced many fine Southern rolling stock models, albeit not yet anything of Southern Electric interest (but I continue to work on this!). So in my opinion they deserve to be supported by Southern enthusiasts.
Colin Duff. Modelling Officer. 13th August 2024