Rules of the 3142 Club

In these rules the term “Company” refers to S.E.G (Preservation) Limited, the term “3142 Club” refers to the S.E.G. (Preservation) Limited 3142 Club, and the term “Member” refers to a member of the 3142 Club.
1. Members undertake to pay to the 3142 Club the full annual subscription either as a single lump sum in advance or by monthly instalment by Banker’s Order.
2. Each month a draw will be made to determine the winner of the monthly prize and if appropriate any bonus prize.
3. There shall be a prize pool of 50% of the monies subscribed; two-fifths of the pool shall be paid out in the form of 12 monthly prizes; one-fifth after six months and two-fifths after 12 months. Where necessary, prize payments will be rounded down to the nearest 25p.
4. Only Members whjose subscriptions are paid up to date shall be eligible for entry in any prize draw and any Member whose subscription is three months in arrears shall cease to be a Member and shall have no claim against the 3142 Club, the Company, the Southern Electric Group or any individual member of these.
5. Membership of the 3142 Club shall be unlimited.
6. Subscriptions are not refundable.
7. The names of the prizewinners will be published in Live Rail and this will be sufficient advice to all Members. Prizewinners will be notified individually.
8. All proceeds from the 3142 Club after payment of prizes and incidental expenses shall be devoted to the aims and objectives of the Company, particularly the preservation of 4Cor electric multiple unit 3142.
9. The Club shall be administered by the Secretary of the Company and the Chairman of the Southern Electric Group and their decision on any matter concerning the 3142 Club not provided for herein shall be final and decisive.

To join or renew click on the link below for the application form.

3142 Club renewal 2023