
Renewal Subscription for 2020

UK £25 –  Family £27 –  Student (under 19 years of age) £23.50 –  International an extra £4.00 on all rates

You can renew your Group Membership online using any Visa or Mastercard credit or debit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, or PayPal. Clicking the link below will take you to the Society’s member portal.

Click here to RENEW

The membership is a year from your joining date

Where possible we will send your annual renewal reminder by email, if we do not have an email address for you it will arrive by post, but please pay online if you can. You can still pay by cheque following the instructions on the renewal form.

You can also update changes of address or contact details through your personal member portal.

For all enquiries relating to your membership
please contact the Membership Manager –

or by post to Peter Watson, 12 Heatherdale Close, Kingston Upon Thames, KT2 7SU

Gift Aid Declaration

If you are a UK taxpayer and you meet the criteria, we would urge you to make your subscription subject to Gift Aid. Before doing so please read the following HMRC notice.

You must confirm that you have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax/Capital Gains tax in each tax year that is at least equal to the tax that Charities & CASCs I donate to will reclaim on my gifts. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify and that The Southern Electric Group  will reclaim 25p on every £I that I donate. You can cancel your declaration at any time by notifying the Society. If you are unsure if you qualify ask your local tax office for leaflet IR113 Gift Aid. The Group will not be given any information about your financial affairs.

By ticking the box on the payment page you will be confirming that you have read and are agreeing to the legal declaration as required by HM Revenue & Customs.What is the Gift Aid Scheme?
The Group is a Registered Charity under UK law, which allows it to reclaim the tax you have already paid on your subscription and any other donation under the Gift Aid Scheme.You can help the Group increase its funds by agreeing to the Gift Aid Declaration on the application form.Do not agree if you do not pay UK tax.In order for the Society to reclaim the tax you have paid on your subscription or donation you must have paid income or capital gains tax at least equal to the tax that will be claimed (currently 25p for each £1.00 you give).If you pay tax at the higher rate you can claim further relief through your Self Assessment Tax Return.You can cancel your declaration at any time by notifying the Group.If you change your address you should notify the Group.If you are unsure if you qualify for Gift Aid Tax Relief ask your local tax office for Leaflet IR113 Gift Aid.

The Group will not be given any information about your financial affairs.

If your financial circumstances change and you no longer pay tax please contact the Membership Manager so that we can update our records.