Hornby 2025 New Products

This morning at 8am Hornby Hobbies announced this year’s new products for their range.
New Southern Electric items will be:
R30431, Railroad range, class 73/1 loco, 73132, BR Large logo blue
R30432TXS, Railroad Plus range, class 73/1 loco, 73128, “Kent & East Sussex Railway”, Network SouthEast late design (shade of blue not clear from current illustrations)
Indicated typical discount prices: R30431 circa £81, R30432TXS circa £131
R30442, class 395, 4 car pack, unit 395015, currently illustrated under “Rail 200” branded tarpaulins (livery details to follow?)
R40443, class 395, 2 car pack, unit 395015, currently illustrated under “Rail” 200 branded tarpaulins (livery details to follow?)
Indicated typical discount prices: R30442 circa £270, R30443 circa £108
Is it fair to assume there will be a southeastern railway “Rail 200” special livery which has yet to be revealed?
R30447, original 4Vep, unit 7712, BR blue
R30448, original 4Vep, unit 3193, early Network SouthEast
Indicated typical discount prices: each circa £360
Hornby’s previous blue Vep was unit 7756 and late NSE refurbished Vep was unit 3588.
More details will be published on this website if and when they become available.
Colin Duff. Modelling Officer. 14th January 2025.